Who are we





without permission


Julie Sundsdal

Josefine & Niels Sundsdal

The family is

Gitte, Kent & Julie Sundsdal

and Josefine & Niels Sundsdal together we breed under the family name *Sundsdal’s”.

We are breeder of smoothair miniature & kaninchen dachshunds in Denmark. 

Our passion is the smoothairs in miniature and kaninchen size.. only breed on healthy dogs with good temperament and with excellent results on shows..  ...breed on the best blodlines in the world.

Our smoothair have great succes on shows all over Europe, many titel awards.  Siegers, Winners, Champions, Worldwinner, Best in shows, Best of breeds, Best in Groups, Breed Winners, Klub Winners..  

Gitte Sundsdal FCI Show judge Group 4 dachshunds.

Contact us on email:  sundsdals@me.com for more information.


Member of FCI and DKK, DGK & DTK.

Gitte & Kent Sundsdal